University curriculum

Academic Qualification (DU) “Study of trances and modified states of consciousness
Bac +3 level

Post-master Qualification (DESU) ” Practice of trances “
Bac +4 level

Overview of the course

Trance phenomena have become an object of scientific study in their own right in many areas including the human and social sciences, neurosciences, and medicine.

In particular, they are involved in many therapeutic situations from shamanism to cyberpsychology, and are also the subject of specific practices including hypnosis/self-hypnosis, self-induced trance and augmented psychotherapies, etc. This Academic Qualification (DU) offers an in-depth and high-level review of the subject of trances, by establishing a dialogue between knowledge in psychology, anthropology, neuroscience, philosophy, medicine, and sociology, to name but a few.

This Academic Qualification (DU) is mandatory for candidates to be eligible for the Post-master Qualification (DESU) “Trance practices”, the practical part of this training.

“We define trance as: a state of consciousness that is temporarily modified by an element of context that imposes itself on a person, and that suddenly modifies the perception that this person has of reality. This modification is perceived by the subject as unusual in nature and/or intensity; it may be:

  • due to a particular unexpected event (such as an incident), or
  • the result of an anticipated and ritualised event (such as a therapeutic encounter involving a practice such as hypnosis).

Trance is a state of modified consciousness that includes an element of abruptness. In other words, an event that causes the subject to lose their usual points of reference by upsetting their senses (their way of perceiving reality), plunging them into an unusual, atypical, and transient state. This event may be sudden or anticipated, unique or repeated, and may be due to normal or pathological circumstances. In all cases, it is the subject themselves who can describe the trance state into which they are plunged (Bioy, 2021).”


The objective of this high-level course is to train professionals in the basic practices of trance in the context of their profession.

Goals of the course

  • To acquire a comprehensive knowledge of trance processes
  • To be familiar with current methodologies of trance studies and the most up-to-date information on the subject
  • To know how to implement a trance study approach (clinical or research) in a professional context
  • To become familiar with the basics of therapeutic practice using trances

Competency-based approach

  • Identify trance processes with precision and evaluate their beneficial or harmful nature in the health balance dynamics of the individuals concerned
  • Develop and implement validation studies of trance phenomena for research or practice (validation of professional practices using trances, such as hypnotherapy, and mindfulness meditation)
  • In the patient journey, to be able to establish the benefits or otherwise of practices using trances for therapeutic purposes, and to make recommendations adapted to health care
Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis

UFR Psychologie

Intended audience

This course is intended for people who wish to include the practice of trance in their therapeutic and/or research activities.

  • Holders of a psychology degree, medical professions (doctors, midwives, dentists), paramedical professions (nurses, physiotherapists, etc.);
  • Students in the course of their studies (medical, surgical or obstetrical interns, students in a Master 2 in psychology).

Researchers who are members of a recognised research organisation in the field of medicine or human sciences (INSERM, CNRS, etc.).

Admission requirements

  • either with a degree (Bac + 3, delivered by a French university or equivalent degree),
  • or on the basis of validation of professional and personal experience: the VAPP (2013 decree) can be granted to people who do not meet the above-mentioned conditions, after examination of their reasons, interests and experience, and study of the pertinence of their professional project (fill in the VAPP file if necessary).

Objectives of the course

Objectives of the Academic Qualification (DU)

  • To acquire an in-depth knowledge of the trance processes

  • To be familiar with current methodologies of trance studies and the most up-to-date information on the subject

  • To know how to implement a trance study approach (clinical or research) in the context of your profession

  • To become familiar with the basics of therapeutic practice using trances

Objectives of the Post-master Qualification (DESU)

  • To identify situations where trance therapy practices would be beneficial

  • Develop skills in trance applied to oneself to improve professional standing, clinical skills, creativity and intuition

  • Implement a care process that includes trance practices when relevant and according to the chosen practice

  • Establish avenues for health improvement involving the use of trance practices

Professional and/or academic opportunities

The degree allows the use of tools specific to the therapeutic approach with trances in professional practice related to health (clinical and research). It represents a complementary of training (contribution of competences).

For further training with the Post-Master Qualification (DESU) “Trance practices: self-induced, creative self-hypnosis, and in psychopathology”, completion of the training is compulsory.

Teaching method

Theoretical courses / Workshops / Professional thesis.
50% face-to-face and 50% distance learning.

Scientific and educational supervisors


Antoine Bioy, University Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology


Marie-Carmen Castillo, University Professor in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology

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University course

DU “study of trances” and DESU “practice of trances”
Bac +3 (1st level) and Bac +4 (2nd level) level

Opening in November 2021

Context of the project

Trance has become an object of scientific study in its own right at the international level with more than 5,000 publications since 2000 in international peer-reviewed journals.

Previously, it was a theme “confined” to the cultural field (shamanic trances, Italian tarantism, for example), before becoming an object of study in psychology, neuropsychology, and also in the field of medical sciences.

Different practices rely on this dimension to establish their effects on a therapeutic level (hypnosis, meditation, augmented psychotherapy, etc.).

The research insists on two important criteria for understanding trances: mindset which will bring together the beliefs, expectations and representations that we have; as well as setting which brings together the context, environment, standards …

Mindset and setting intervene both in the phenomenological and explanatory processes of altered states of consciousness.

Currently, there is no diploma that offers an exhaustive and high-level study of the theme of trances, and which, moreover, offers direct applications in the field of therapy.

This is the ambition of this diploma. Note that this theme is directly linked to the work of the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Neuropsychology directed by Pr. Marie-Carmen Castillo, and more specifically of axis 3 coordinated by Pr. Antoine Bioy, deputy director.

This diploma aims to become a national or even international reference on the issue of trances.

As knowledge about trances has been exponential for several years, the content will be very regularly re-evaluated and updated.


The high-level education offered aims to train professionals in the basic practices of the use of trances as part of their profession.

Everyone will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired according to the objectives set by their function (psychologist, doctor, nurse, midwife, etc.), within the framework of the laws and regulations which guide their professional practice.

  • Provide practitioners with precise scientific knowledge on the phenomena involved in trance processes
  • Acquire complete and quality training in the practice of trances
  • Transmit skills of modality of intervention with trances according to the type of disorder treated

Note that the first year is very focused on knowledge, knowledge, research and can also be of interest to researchers without clinical practice, but wishing to better understand this field to develop specific lines of research.

Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis

UFR Psychologie

Target audiences

This training is aimed at people wishing to include the practice of trances within their therapeutic care and / or their research activity.

Admission criteria

Admission to this training is open to people holding a title of psychologist (master 2), medical profession (doctors, midwives, dentists), or paramedical professions Bac + 3 and above (nursing professions, physiotherapists … ).

It is also open to students in the course of the cycle after consulting the educational committee (interns, nurse anesthetists, master’s students in psychology, etc.). And researchers holding a recognized research organization in the field of medicine or the human sciences.

For access to the DESU, the DU is compulsory (except for exemption from the educational committee).

Training aims

DU objectives

  • Acquire comprehensive knowledge of trance processes

  • Know the current methodologies for the study of trances and the most current state of knowledge on this subject

  • Knowing how to implement a trance study process (clinical or research) within the framework of one’s profession

  • Familiarize yourself with the basics of therapeutic practice using trances

DESU objectives

  • Identify situations where one or more therapeutic trance practices would be of help

  • Develop skills in self-applied trance to improve professional posture, clinical skills, creativity and intuition

  • Implement a care approach including trance practices when relevant and according to the chosen practice

  • Establish avenues for improvement in health involving the implementation of trance practices

Professional and/or university opportunities

The diploma allows the use of tools specific to the therapeutic approach with trances in professional practice related to health (clinical and research). It constitutes a complement of practice (contribution of competences).

Training content

Theoretical courses / Workshops / Professional dissertation.
50% face-to-face and 50% remote interventions

Scientific and educational managers


Antoine Bioy, University Professor in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology


Marie-Carmen Castillo, University Professor in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology

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